Tuesday, March 18, 2014

                       The star of the week

This is a special segment meant to recognize outstanding performance of learners in different field
inside and outside school.
In this very first edition, our focus shall be on a standard seven girl by the name Diana Njeri. The twelve year old girl has really portrayed vey great prowess in drama. In the just ended Mombasa county drama festival, the school was privileged to stage a play entitled `The laptop` whereby she was acting the main character-Kahindi .Despite the fact that the character in the play is a male, this did not deter her from
performing extraordinary well. What really amazed her trainers, was the rate at which she could grasp the script.As a matter of fact, initially she had  been assigned a different lesser role but when the actor to act Kahindi failed to turn up for training, Diana with the great passion she has in drama ,could not wait for the whole play to go up in smoke , she volunteered to take the task . Within a week she had grasped the lines an ability which amazed Mr. Kizito Ochieng ,the chief trainer.

Diana is a mufti-talented girl in co -curriculum activities. She has a lot of passion in music and ball games. She attributes her interests to her mother who always encourages her to nurture her talents in conjunction with academics. The mother is also a career music trainer, hence having a good background.Academically, she performs equally well. She always scores above average.
Diana adorning her performing head gear.

From the news desk, we wish her best of luck and encourage other pupils to emulate her.
we are ready for competition she assures the rest.
at the training session with Rachel Nasongo(Mponda ,Kahindi`s mother) 


1 comment:

  1. All thanks to Mr. Benard and Mr Kizito for all the encouragement and hard work. I really appreciate the whole crew for such a wonderful wonderful time of fun and nuturing our talents through drama.What a memorable moment of my life in Primary.I thank God for all we were able to accomplish and the far He enabled us to reach. Diana




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