Friday, January 27, 2012

Bursary sponsorship programme praised.

Hawaa being congraturated  by gurdians and teachers  during the graduation ceremony
Have you ever been in a situation in which you are in dire need and from nowhere somebody comes in your aid? How do you feel? That is the kind of feelings that a girl by the time Hawaa Khalifa has towards SOS organization for its financial assistance which enabled her to complete her primary education at Herman Gmeiner school Mombasa. For the last eleven years she had been schooling at the school until last year when she sat for her Kenya Certificate of Education (KCPE). She managed to score a total of 333 marks out of 500 marks which is above average score .She attributes her success to the assistance she received from the school administration which decided to consider her as  needy.

Hawaa comes from one of the marginalized areas in Kenya- North Eastern province where girls’ education is not considered necessary. When asked what she would like to be in future she never minced her words by declaring that she would like to give back to the community by becoming a social worker , and given  a chance serve the SOS  organization as one of the mothers in the village.

As if Hawaa' s guardian Angel is still keen on her education, she received another sponsorship from an organization called Verkaat, which has taken the burden of educating her in  secondary school.
Lucky Katana(in front) in class with fellow candidates

Apart from Hawa still the school currently as a number of students benefiting from the bursary scheme. This year another girl called Lucky Katana is graduating .Lucky is a very brilliant girl whose education could have come into jeopardy if it where not the intervention of the organization. Upon making home visit  ,the school management team realized the potential in the girl and opted to make her join the school .when  asked to comment about SOS ,SHE    HAD THESE  to say ,”Sincerely I don’t know what to say about this organization. Mine is to say a great thank you for your generosity.It  has made me go through the primary education. I Promise not to let down all those who had been donating to the organization in its efforts to reach the under-privileged children by assuring you that am going to pass very well ,the only way I can show appreciation to you ”. Although not sure of her future fate of   learning ,since the organization does not include the bursary programme in the secondary education  ,she is still very optimistic that another miracle will happen which will make her realize her dreams of becoming a lawyer cum children’s rights activists.

                         Compiled by Mr. Nyangondi Benard ,patron journalism club  ,Herman Gmeiner School Mombasa.

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